American Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 2015, 3(5), 124-129
DOI: 10.12691/AJEEE-3-5-3
Original Research

Adjustment of the Special Theory of Relativity according to the Ohm’s Law

Alexander Alexandrovich Antonov1,

1Research Centre of information technology “TELAN Electronics”, Kiev, Ukraine

Pub. Date: December 01, 2015

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Alexander Alexandrovich Antonov. Adjustment of the Special Theory of Relativity according to the Ohm’s Law. American Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 2015; 3(5):124-129. doi: 10.12691/AJEEE-3-5-3


It is shown that the whole practice of using Ohm’s law in the theory of electrical circuits is actually a theoretical and experimental evidence for physical reality of imaginary numbers. Therefore, the current interpretation of the special theory of relativity, which denies physical reality of imaginary numbers, requires appropriate adjustment. The adjusted version of the special theory of relativity can explain the phenomena of dark matter and dark energy. Other exact sciences also require adjustment with regard to the principle of physical reality of imaginary numbers.


Ohm's law, Resonance, imaginary numbers, special theory of relativity, dark matter, dark energy, multiverse, supermultiverse


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